Saturday, September 12, 2020

Hammerhead Hotel


Sugar Music

Hammerhead Hotel, feat Falling Mirror, Jack Hammer, The Dolly Rockers, McCully Workshop, Radio Rats

by Brian Currin

Hammerhead Hotel | photo: Michael CurrinHammerhead Hotel | photo: Michael Currin

Track List

1. Bus Station - Fly Paper Jet
2. Hammerhead Hotel - Falling Mirror
3. Alison - Dolly Rockers
4. Getting Better - Scabby Annie
5. Shock Time For Rock - The Popguns
6. Morrison Hotel - Jack Hammer
7. Werewolf In The House - Falling Mirror
8. Kamikasi - McCully Workshop
9. Mucking About In The Dungeons All Day - Radio Rats
10. Monster From The Bog - Psycho Reptiles
11. Bellville Rock City - New World Inside
12. Psycho Bitch - Toxic Shame
13. Boxstar Kitty - Three Bored White Guys
14. Blue Eyed Devil - Th' Damned Crows
15. Psycho-Babble - Lancaster Band
16. Britney Spears - Tweak
17. Babydoll Blues - The Ragdolls
18. Psycho - Them Tornados
19. Woo Hoo! - Fire Through The Window
20. Baby Girl You're Gonna Burn! - Peachy Keen
21. Drakilla - The Psykotix
22. Surfin' With The Goth Gang - Martin Rocka And The Sick Shop
23. Krokodil - Retro Dizzy
24. Buccaneer - Moyawetu
25. Beethoven Is Dying - Koos Kombuis En Die Warmblankes
26. Only Yesterday - Sharkbrother
27. Boomtown Hotel - Valiant Swart
28. Kitchener - Piet Botha
29. Praha Paradise (2007 version) - Ernestine Deane feat Tim Parr
30. Die Gipsy In Jou Oë - Anna Davel
31. Farewell To Gypsy - Bonekey

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Brian Currin | July 25, 2020 at 8:38 am 

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