Thursday, May 21, 2015

Bill McVail's new EP, Garden Leave

Bill McVail's new EP, Garden Leave, takes an honest look at the road to change - complete with both the fears of leaving the comfortable path behind, as well as the joy and power that comes with discovering that new pathways are there for the taking.  It is a collection of songs that were years in the making, with the "garden leave" providing the platform for their eventual expression.  It is a statement that change is not only possible, but it is essential for a full realization of who we are. 

After 27 years in the investment business, I decided to get off of the hamster wheel that I had been turning, leaving the sausage factory to take a step back and take stock of who I was, where I was, and where I wanted to go next.  The decision was literally years in the making, but recording this record in my basement was very much here-and-now.  Making this record was a journey of complete honesty, reflecting both the fears and rewards that come with going off-road.  It covers a wide range of musical styles, but the message is the same - it is never too late to change your path in life.

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